Now more than ever, Australian businesses are offering their greatest asset…
…their employee’s time.
Corporate Volunteering Benefits
For the employee
- Unique opportunities to meet new people and explore new situations and challenges.
- Opportunities to interact with people from other areas of the company.
- New and more positive perceptions of career, workplace, peers and management teams.
- Making a difference through community involvement by tackling social and global issues.
- Opportunity to gain new skills and get out of their comfort zone.
- Improvement of emotional intelligence, empathy and flexibility.
- Reduction of stress and increased feeling of well-being.
For the company
- Increased company pride and loyalty from staff.
- Heightened image of company brand and profile.
- Strengthened company culture, mission and core values.
- Enhanced staff morale, teamwork and communication; reducing ‘silos’ across the organisation.
- Improved employee engagement and workplace relationships with colleagues.
- Better employee attendance, recruitment and retention.
- New professional and skill development opportunities for staff.
- Transformative relationships between the company and the local community.
For the community
- Access to a wider pool of volunteers, skills, knowledge and technical expertise.
- Increasing service delivery for beneficiaries.
- Influence behaviours for positive social, economic or environmental impact.
- Access to teams of volunteers for major tasks and events.
- Increasing public awareness of community issues.
- An opportunity to share the organisation’s mission to potential ambassadors.
- Opportunity to create new partnerships and potential income streams for community projects.
- Improved mutual understanding and appreciation between the corporate and not-for-profit organisations.
How to start your corporate volunteering program
Volunteering Australia has a detailed resource for organisations who are wanting to start their own corporate Volunteering Program.
For smaller organisations
Once you have established your corporate volunteering program, we encourage you to explore and engage with community organisations you would be interested in volunteering with. Choose a few that align with your business’ strategic goals.
Another great way to find volunteering opportunities, is to search roles on our website where thousands of volunteering roles are listed. Simply use the filters to select “one off event” under Duration and “groups of 10 or more” under Good for.
For larger organisations
Volunteering Queensland offers corporate members a corporate volunteering management service.
We meet to gain an understanding of your requirements, frequency of volunteering days, number of volunteers and the types of causes that align with your business’ social strategy and match you with volunteer involving organisations.
This is a fee-for-service available to all corporate members and includes connecting, logistics, audits and evaluation.

Want to know more about our Corporate Volunteering program?