What is the Digital Inclusion Project?
We want to help people with disability get online.
We know that being online is especially important during natural disaster like floods, cyclones, fires and now during the COVID-19 pandemic.
People with disability need to be able to get the facts and information about what is happening in the world and their community, keep getting essential goods, services and support like food, medicine, healthcare, disability support and stay connected with family, friends and workers.
About the role
Digital Inclusion Mentors will share their knowledge and help to develop basic digital literacy skills in people with disabilities so they can make full use of digital technologies to manage their health and wellbeing, access education and services, organise their finances, and connect with friends, family, and the world beyond.
Digital Inclusion Mentors don’t need to be IT experts. Anyone who want to give back to their community by teaching basic digital skills and helping to build others’ confidence in using digital technologies can help. The most important characteristics of a good Digital Mentor are empathy and patience!
Download the Digital Inclusion Volunteer Role Description
How you will be helping
You will be helping people connect with digital technologies, which are essential drivers of education, employment, social inclusion, connectedness, economic growth, and innovation.
You will be helping people to learn basic digital skills, in particular:
- Supporting the group trainings provided by Digital Champions and providing individual support to participants who may require one on one attention.
- Helping and encouraging participants to learn, but not do everything for them.
- Helping participants to experience the benefits of digital, but also raising awareness about the secure ways of using technology
- Helping participants to increase their confidence and encouraging them to give it a go and try basic online services and applications.

Who will you be helping?
People with disability who are currently marginalised from the digital world in which we live because they don’t have the skills to keep connected with family and friends, manage their finances, use email services, or access services online.
Your commitment
Prior commencement as Digital Inclusion Mentor, volunteers will undergo training -online and face to face- and Disability Worker Screening check.
Volunteering locations
The project aims to train care army volunteers to become Digital Inclusion Mentors in a number of locations including:
- Brisbane / New Farm and Bardon (Volunteer opportunities for this location are now closed)
- Ipswich (Volunteer opportunities for this location are now closed)
- Gold Coast (Volunteer opportunities for this location are now closed)
- Townsville
Training dates
Townsville – 25th of August 1 to 3 pm
North Townsville Community Hub-NOTCH,
52 Palm Dr, Townsville QLD 4818
Volunteers are required to meet the Covid vaccination requirements in accordance with Queensland Health directives for disability support services workers
More information
(07) 3002 7600 ext 2009
(07) 3002 7609
AAA Digital Inclusion is a partnership between GIVIT, Queenslanders with Disability Network (QDN) and Volunteering QLD. Proudly supported by the Queensland Government.