The National Standards for Volunteer Involvement (NSVI) are being refreshed to ensure they reflect the contemporary environment.
We are seeking your input into the National Standards for Volunteer Involvement Refresh and invite you to join us for a consultation session to express your views, whether you currently engage with the Standards or not.
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Seeking your input into the National Standards for Volunteering Involvements refresh

The National Standards for Volunteer Involvement (NSVI) are being refreshed to ensure they reflect the contemporary environment and continue to support the volunteering ecosystem.
The NSVI Refresh Project, funded via the Australian Government’s Volunteer Management Activity, will involve consultation with the volunteering ecosystem and draw on the extensive engagement undertaken during the development of the new National Strategy for Volunteering.
We are seeking your input into the National Standards for Volunteer Involvement Refresh and invite you to join us for a consultation session to express your views, whether you currently engage with the Standards or not.